hazmat solid

The Hammer line hasn’t had a core and cover combination like this since the Dark Web, and this one was worth waiting for. The new Hazmat Solid will provide a big mid-lane read and continuation needed for medium to heavier oil conditions. Hazmat has delivered great results on medium conditions where bowlers need great length and backend from a symmetric ball; this Hazmat Solid is the ultimate compliment to the line, adding more traction and hook overall due to the strong core and Semtex Solid cover with a strong 2000-grit Siaair finish.


Color: Onyx / Lime / Purple
Core: Hazmat
Coverstock: Semtex Solid
Factory Finish: 500, 2000 Siaair Micro Pad
Weights: 12 - 16 lbs


Gewicht RG Diff MB
16 2.492 .048  
15 2.472 .055  
14 2.501 .055  
13 2.585 .040  
12 2.608 .040  



Dolfijn Proshopprijs: € 199,00


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